(My LP copy was around $300, my SG Les Paul was around $200.the jazz box was over $600.) If you have limited money and need a great guitar, play an old Samick Artist Series and you will probably end up with a few of them. They are ALL great players, they ALL compare to Gibsons, and they are ALL about 1/10the the price of Gibson originals. I have 3-the LP type as in this clip, a 60's SG/Les Paul copy, and a jazz box modeled after a high end Gibson seliing in the $10 thousand and up range.
The Artist Series used extremely high quality wood, hardware and electronics, and craftsmanship was excellent. MIK, when Samick was making Epiphones and other Gibson style guitars of various brands, and decided to make some under their own name. It is made like an old LP Model, and screams like the one in the clip, with factory pups and electronics.
I have one of their 1990's LP types, similar to the one in this short clip.